Adrien Gruson
Assistant Professor at École de technologie supérieure
Software and Information Technology Engineering Dept.
I am an Assistant Professor at École Supérieure de Technologie (ÉTS) in the department of Information and Communications Technologies since September 2021, where I am a member of the Multimedia Lab.
Adrien Gruson was a post-doc researcher at McGill University and The University of Tokyo under the supervision of Profs Nowrouzezahrai and Hachisuka. He was also a member of the Japanese French Laboratory of Informatics (JFLI). His research interests include physically-based rendering, using advance sampling techniques such Markov-chain Monte Carlo, gradient-based estimators.
- Light transport simulation
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Gradient-domain rendering
- Machine learning
PhD in Computer Graphics, 2015
Rennes 1 University
Master 2 in Computer Research, Major Computer Research, 2011
Rennes 1 University
Eng. Rennes 1 University certificate (option Computer Graphics), 2011
ESIR, Rennes 1 University
Peer-reviewing conflicts
Automatically generated from publications in the last two years:Damien Rioux-Lavoie, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Flavio Prieto Ortiz, George Drettakis, Iliyan Georgiev, Joey Litalien, Keven Villeneuve, Kohei Takayama, Luis Gamboa, Luisa F. Polania, Maria Ximena Bastidas Rodriguez, Rex West, Shin Fujieda, Stavros Diolatzis, Toshiya Hachisuka, Wenzel Jakob.