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Practical Product Sampling For Single Scattering In Media
"Different sampling routines for single scattering"
EGSR - Digital Library Only Track, 2021.
Practical Product Path Guiding Using Linearly Transformed Cosines
"Efficient combinaison of Practical Path guiding and LTC"
EGSR, 2020.
Continuous Multiple Importance Sampling
"Continuous generalization of multiple importance sampling."
ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH), 2020.
Deep Learning For Fractographic Classification In Metallic Materials
"Deep learning applied to fracture analysis."
Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 113, 2020.
Delayed Rejection Metropolis Light Transport
"Delayed rejection in MCMC applied to rendering."
ACM Trans. Graph., 2020. (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2020).
Stratified Markov Chain Monte Carlo Light Transport
"Perfect image-space stratification with MCMC."
Eurographics, 2020.
An Efficient Transport Estimator For Complex Layered Materials
"More efficient estimator for complex layered appearance models."
Eurographics, 2020.
Deep Adaptive Wavelet Network
"Trainable wavelets within convolutional neural networks."
WACV, 2020.
Scalable Virtual Ray Lights Rendering For Participating Media
"Lightcuts-like algorithm for VRLs with a proper error bound."
EGSR, 2019.
A Survey On Gradient-Domain Rendering
"Survey on gradient-domain rendering."
Eurographics (STAR), 2019.
Light Transport Simulation In The Gradient Domain
"Course on gradient-domain rendering."
SIGGRAPH Asia (Course), 2018.
Gradient-Domain Volumetric Photon Density Estimation
"Gradient-domain formulation of volumetric photon density estimation including beams and planes."
ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH), 2018.
Efficient Energy-Compensated Vpls Using Photon Splatting
"More accurate VPL rendering using photon splatting."
I3D, 2018.
Gradient-Domain Photon Density Estimation
"Gradient-domain formulation of photon density estimation."
Eurographics, 2017.
A Spatial Target Function For Metropolis Photon Tracing
"Progressive target function to better distribute error in image plane."
ACM Trans. Graph, 2016 (Presented at Siggraph 2017).
Shape And Reflectance From Rgb-D Images Using Time Sequential Illumination
"Method for recovering the shape with Kinect and partially controlled illumination."
VISAPP, 2016.
Automatic Aesthetics-Based Lighting Design With Global Illumination
"Automatic emitters setup to achieve a target aesthetic."
Pacific Graphics (Short), 2014.
Eye-Centred Color Adaptation In Global Illumination
"New color adaptation method well suited to global illumination."
Pacific Graphics, 2013.
Visibility-Driven Progressive Volume Photon Tracing
"Guided photons and planes with camera beams data structure."
CGI, 2013 / The Visual Computer, Vol. 29.
Temporal Coherency For Video Tone Mapping
"Tone mapping achieving more stable result with video."
SPIE, 2012.
Light Propagation Maps On Parallel Graphics Architectures
"GPU implementation of light propagation maps."
EGPVG, 2012.
PhD Thesis
Toward more Realism and Robustness in Global Illumination PDF
July, 2015. Rennes 1 University.
Chair: | Luce Morin, INSA Rennes, France |
Reviewers: | Tamy Boubekeur, Telecom ParisTech, France |
Elmar Eisemann, TU Delft, Netherlands | |
Examiner: | Jaroslav Krivanek, Charles University, Czech Republic |
Supervisors: | Kadi Bouatouch, Rennes 1 University, France |
Remi Cozot, Rennes 1 University, France |